Sunday, August 22, 2010

I Love Sundays

Sundays are my day. I love the peace and comfort that comes with the Sabbath. Today in Relief Society we sang Be Still My Soul. Sometimes my soul has a very hard time being still.

I'm coming down from my mania this week, but coming down is almost as bad as going into one. And, I can look forward to a down sometime this week. Always, always, always, a low follows the high. So at least today I can be weepy while my soul becomes still.

Ron comes home this week. I always have a rougher time the Sunday before he comes home. I don't want to wait another day, I want him home today.

I have a very busy week coming up, so I'll let today be my 'still' day.

Actually, I remember there was a time when I had one event during the week, and I considered that a busy week. I would stress and fuss until the event was over, then I felt I could relax and get on with my life. Wow, how times have changed for me. I actually have something going on every day. For me that is really, really huge. I am leaving my house for something EVERY DAY this week! Congratulations to me!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for leaving the house! It's always nice to get out for awhile - even if it's to hang out with noisy obnoxious children and nieces!!! We love you!
